Thank You For Your Order
Your order has been submitted and is processing.
We are excited to see that you have taken an important step to invest in your personal brand.
A couple of notes:
- You will receive an email shortly with your order confirmation.
- If you purchased an online training program you will receive login credentials in the next 1 hour
- From time to time, we will send you an e-mail updating you on some interesting aspect of personal branding or social media marketing. Please ensure that you add this e-mail address: info@bootcampdigital to your list of safe senders.
Thanks again for your order…we can’t wait to hear your success story!
Krista Neher, CEO Boot Camp Digital
If you ever have any questions, please feel free to call us 513-223-3878 or email us info (at) Boot Camp Digital (dot) com. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible (customer service is regularly available 9am – 5pm EST).